Are you bringing an equine friend into your family or are you looking to improve your horse care skills? Read on for tips on how to keep your horse healthy and happy and most importantly, how to ensure a long life for your horse.

Nutritional Intakes Tailored to Their Needs

Large quantities of grass are designed to be digested by a horse's digestive system. They are rich in fibre and water. Most horses should have grass and hay of better quality, not mouldy and dusty, as a staple food. A sufficient amount of fresh, clean, not ice-cold water should be available at all times, regardless of how often a horse swallows water no more than twice in a day. To take care of your horse, it is important to let it graze or eat hay as it wishes. Its stomach is more exposed to ulcers when there is nothing inside. A horse's nutritional needs are a function of various factors such as conditions and activity levels. But in general, their feed should be rationed at 2 to 4% of their body weight on a regular basis. This will greatly contribute to the longevity of your horse.

Regular vaccinations and deworming

To give your horse a long life, give it all the vaccinations it needs. Be aware that protection against tetanus is more than necessary for a horse. There are also routine vaccines to prevent certain diseases such as Eastern and Western equine encephalomyelitis, equine influenza, equine herpes and rabies. Vaccines are also available for West Nile virus. It's important to have your veterinarian's advice on which vaccines are appropriate for your horse. In addition, a horse can get fatal diseases from worms. As a result, a horse can lose a lot of weight and have a bad coat and colic. To take care of your horse, it is important to have it dewormed under the advice of your veterinarian. At the same time, it is also important to expose your horse less and less to parasites. It is therefore advisable to remove excrement on a regular basis.

Clean housing for optimal rest

The cleanliness of the horse's accommodation must be ensured on a daily basis. And as far as possible, a horse should be set free outside. A horse in prolonged isolation in a stall may behave strangely and with difficulty for lack of company and adequate exercise to stimulate its mind. A horse should lie down or lie flat to obtain a deep and restful sleep. A good rest is synonymous with longevity. Provide your horse with the best means to rest well. Remember that a horse is meant to move. Left in the wild, it can gallop or walk for several hours at a time, which could take it many miles. To stimulate your horse's strength, plan exercises to be done daily in a progressive manner. This will increase his natural immune system and give him a long life.